MILWAUKEE - USA - Think you could avoid the TSA's body scanners and pat-downs by not flying, taking the train or bus, then you're wrong. The TSA wants to come to your home to complete searches on U.S. citizens even if you do not use any public transport.
"This is just the next step in our special TSA pre-crime initiative where everyone will be screened before they even embark on any type of journey. We've heard bad things about you folks who are not even travelling or avoiding public places just because you don't want your groin groped or an internal body search. Well, we have news for you, we'll be knocking on your doors at home to bodysearch you there as well," TSA head, John Lacerta Pistole, told the Washington Observer.The new TSA rules will require the whole population including new born babies and severely handicapped people to be searched in their homes.
Refusing entry to the TSA search party could result in the search denier being detained indefinitely and moved under duress to a secret holding area.
"Remember, the next knock on your home's door could be from a group of TSA officials waiting with gloved hands to search your orifices and your families holes too. You must grant entry for these officials into your property so that they can violate your bodies with impunity. Once they have searched your bodies, you will be required to put your clothes back on and let the officials leave. You must be calm at all times and any form of agitation, anger or abuse towards our trained TSA goons will result in either tasering or forced detention. Please be aware that we will also be confiscating weapons in all American households, so leave your guns by the door and we'll take those as well as your daughter's virginity," Kevin Pedoslime, a TSA spokesman announced on all U.S. TV channels yesterday.
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