Worst. President. Ever.
A new report shows that real GDP has risen 0.8% over the 13 quarters since the recession began, compared to an average increase of 9.9% in past recoveries.
(Trading Economics)
Team Obama promised that US GDP growth would be 4.0% in 2011. The Fed announced last week that they see GDP at 2.7% to 2.9% this year.
The Wall Street Journal reported:
A new report shows that real GDP has risen 0.8% over the 13 quarters since the recession began, compared to an average increase of 9.9% in past recoveries.

Team Obama promised that US GDP growth would be 4.0% in 2011. The Fed announced last week that they see GDP at 2.7% to 2.9% this year.
The Wall Street Journal reported:
When a new Bloomberg poll finds that 44% of Americans feel that the economy is "worse than when Obama was inaugurated" (versus only 34% who say it is "better"), you know the economic recovery is pretty anemic.
Now the Joint Economic Committee has chronicled how weak it is compared to others since World War II. In a report entitled "Unchartered Depths," the Committee finds that "employment is now 5.0% below what it was at the start of the recession, 38 months ago.
This compares to an average rise in employment of 3.7% over the same period in prior post-WWII recessions." On economic growth, real GDP has risen 0.8% over the 13 quarters since the recession began, compared to an average increase of 9.9% in past recoveries.
From the beginning of the recession to April 2011, real personal income has grown just .9% compared to 9.4% for the same period in previous post 1960 recessions. The standard response from Obama apologists is that recession of 2008 and 2009 was different because, as former Clinton administration economist Robert Shapiro puts it, "this was a financial crisis, and these take longer to recover from."
In fact, in most cases, the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery to make up for lost ground. That was what Ronald Reagan's critics said when the U.S. economy soared during 1983 and 1984 with quarterly growth numbers exceeding 7%.
At the time, liberal Keynesians yawned and declared the good times nothing more than a normal snapback from the deep recession. So where is the normal snapback now? Even $4 trillion in deficits since 2009 and nearly $2 trillion of asset purchases by the Fed haven't pulled the economy from its funk.
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