Before we go any further, let's take a look at some of these so-called cyber attacks that have occurred recently.
IMF Hit by Cyber Attack
Google, Citing Cyber Attack Threatens To Exit China
UK Government Under Cyber Attack Says Chancellor
Sony's PlayStation Network and Qriocity Hacked
Wikileaks Supporters Attack Mastercard Site
These are just a small number of the recently reported cyber attacks or hacks that are said to have taken place. These events have prompted numerous calls from U.S. government officials claiming that billions of dollars needs to be spent on cyber security. We have even seen the U.S. government allude to the possibility that a cyber attack against them could be used as justification for military intervention against another country. Keep in mind that staging a cyber attack is much easier than staging a fake terror attack like what we saw on September 11th, 2001. All the U.S. government would have to do is intentionally pull the plug on a number of their critical systems and then place the blame on whoever they feel the need to attack. There is a very dangerous precedent being set here and unfortunately it looks as if the foundation for this narrative has been in the works for quite sometime now.
Although there is no guarantee that a major cyber related event will happen, it is obvious that a storyline involving cyber attacks, hackers and its importance to national security is being formulated by the corporate media and government bureaucrats. The combination of these previously alleged cyber attacks and the rhetoric coming from the U.S. government pertaining to these events is very disturbing and indicates that a staged cyber attack is certainly a card that they might be getting ready to play.
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