Americans are a hollow shell of their proud history. Their financial controllers have enslaved the few remaining hard working producers of actual wealth. Those who still cling to a feeble dream of getting ahead rationalize their captivity as the price needed to pay for success. It seems that only government parasites, leeching off the system, remain sheltered from the imminent outlook of a total melt down. The elites have implemented their master plan. All that is left is to gather up the remaining assets of the indebted public through a proscribed national bankruptcy.
Commonly understood in another era were historic facts that this type of tyranny was called fascism. The list of lost liberties is endless. The level of compliance and acquiescence to repression has never been higher. Social behavior requires homage to a "PC’ culture in order to be part of the post-industrial world of global regimentation. The common error that most people make is to conclude that fascism is a right wing ideology. The reality is that left-right distinctions are meaningless, when the key components of a totalitarian society share the same universal traits.

America has succumbed to the same authoritarian merger of corporatist unity with government that characterizes the fascist definition. Seldom acknowledged is that the Marxist underpinning of communist regimes also shares this same dictatorial mastery over the economy. There is not a dimes worth of difference, among all these evil governments or the "so called" distinctions between the Democratic and Republican Parties in the U.S.
Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, studied the fascist regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto, and Pinochet. Read the full definition of 14 things in common these regimes have as identifying characteristics of fascism. Then compare this list to the current conditions at home.
Traits of a Fascist State | Reality of Fascism in America |
1. Powerful and continuing nationalism | The State maintains that nationalism is the same as patriotism |
2. Disdain for recognition of human rights | Selective targeting of individual civil rights of real patriots is common practice |
3. Identification of enemies, scapegoat causes | Unremitting and contrived terrorist myths become central to maintaining an insecure society |
4. Supremacy of the military | Militarization of a mercenary foreign legion becomes a way of life |
5. Rampant Sexism | Destroying the natural distinction between genders becomes the ultimate sexist offense |
6. Controlled mass media | PysOps in the mass media defines reality for mind-controlled cretins |
7. Obsession with national security | Empire building as a substitute for true national security weakens the nation |
8. Religion and government are intertwined | Churches denuded of doctrine and moral gospel |
9. Corporate power is protected | Wall Street institutional interests are sheltered from actual competition and immune from serious regulation |
10. Labor power is suppressed | Labors demeaned, union leadership dub membership and public service employees beholden to the State |
11. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts | Traditional values excluded from academia and humanities |
12. Obsession with crime and punishment | Prison incarceration is a growth endeavor against government violations |
13. Rampant cronyism and corruption | Normalize systemic “gangster politics” by paying off comrades and destroying resistors |
14. Fraudulent elections | Never a real choice between the two clone heads of the same statist party |
In America, the government is the tool of the banksters and the corporatists.
By any objective standard, the loss of individual freedoms is undeniable. What accounts for the passive sedation of the American public? Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center "makes a solid argument that there is a deliberate conspiracy on the part of the Department of Education and the National Education Association (NEA) to dumb-down American education. Along the way he blasts No Child Left Behind (NCLB) as failing to address the core problems." He illustrates that the dumbing down is because American Education Fails Because it Isn’t Education.
Natural intelligence is under assault from pharmacological attacks upon entire classes of ethnic tribes and social groups. The "so called" educated middle class often falls below the innate aptitude of foreign underprivileged survivors. Advanced degree prodigies frequently distinguish themselves with patterns of asinine conduct that conflicts with basic tenants of common sense. Elevated elites exist on a plane of their own design that enhanced their privilege out of a false claim of their entitled meritocracy.
Eradicated from conscious memory is traditional scholarship that created the miracle of western civilization. Elimination of all traces of natural law, individual responsibility and moral precepts, is necessary, for the godless world of globalism, to achieve their total rule. Extermination of the last remnants of sane souls, who accept the gift of life from their Creator, is the ultimate end.
Fascism is a utilitarian instrument to dominate useful idiots. Slated for early extinction is anyone who has little worthwhile function to exploit. America faces a profound existential crisis. With so many stupid people, how can the nation continue and deserve our respect and loyalty? If citizens demand greater tiers of oppressive containment under the guise of social dependency and transitory security, how can meaningful restoration of a legitimate Republic ever occur?

Unfortunately, Americans too often adopt the relativism of situation ethics as a rationalization for immoral behavior. When government employs the practices of totalitarian collectivism, most citizens ignore the abuses and provide tacit submission to the fascist despotism that rules their lives. As long as America, reject the supremacy of God and rejects His moral laws, the most hideous elements of wickedness will continue to enslave the nation.
By any objective standard, the loss of individual freedoms is undeniable. What accounts for the passive sedation of the American public? Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center "makes a solid argument that there is a deliberate conspiracy on the part of the Department of Education and the National Education Association (NEA) to dumb-down American education. Along the way he blasts No Child Left Behind (NCLB) as failing to address the core problems." He illustrates that the dumbing down is because American Education Fails Because it Isn’t Education.
Twenty years ago the US ranked FIRST in the world in high school diplomas and college degrees. Now our education system ranks 18th out of 24 industrialized nations in effectiveness. We are already second in the world in money spent per student, yet American students grow more illiterate by the year.Civility is a term not known to the self-satisfaction society. Immediate gratification confuses self-interest with tangent amusement. Cogent dissonant dismisses any information that might interrupt the hedonist lifestyle that drives doomed mortals into higher levels of depravity.

Natural intelligence is under assault from pharmacological attacks upon entire classes of ethnic tribes and social groups. The "so called" educated middle class often falls below the innate aptitude of foreign underprivileged survivors. Advanced degree prodigies frequently distinguish themselves with patterns of asinine conduct that conflicts with basic tenants of common sense. Elevated elites exist on a plane of their own design that enhanced their privilege out of a false claim of their entitled meritocracy.
Eradicated from conscious memory is traditional scholarship that created the miracle of western civilization. Elimination of all traces of natural law, individual responsibility and moral precepts, is necessary, for the godless world of globalism, to achieve their total rule. Extermination of the last remnants of sane souls, who accept the gift of life from their Creator, is the ultimate end.
Fascism is a utilitarian instrument to dominate useful idiots. Slated for early extinction is anyone who has little worthwhile function to exploit. America faces a profound existential crisis. With so many stupid people, how can the nation continue and deserve our respect and loyalty? If citizens demand greater tiers of oppressive containment under the guise of social dependency and transitory security, how can meaningful restoration of a legitimate Republic ever occur?

Americans also suffer from an acute case of missing bollocks. The home of the brave is now the concentration camp of cowardly eunuchs. The high point of our history was the American Revolution. The downward slide started as soon as the ink dried on the questionable ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Foolish citizens dismiss this construct because they are ignorant of the real history and nature of the central government. Wasting so much energy on attempts to restore a false constitutional basis for government, when in fact, inevitable abuses of the federal tyranny were guaranteed by the creation of national state supremacy, is irrational.
The Bill of Rights is trashed everyday by the federal stooges that serve the financial plutocrats. The oligarchy was once a national rule. Today it has become a global empire of suffocation.
When a society is too dense to grasp the truth of your enslavement, and does not have the backbone to rebel, your fate is relegated to the dustbins of history. When Leon Trotsky coined this phrase, he was talking about pitiful isolated individuals. Another Russia sums up the primary moral question. Fyodor Dostoevsky in his masterpiece, The Brothers Karamazov has Ivan Karamazov express an accurate capsule description of the belief, If God does not exist, everything is permitted. Katharena Eiermann observes that Jean Paul Sartre has said that all of French Existentialism is to be found in Ivan Karamazov's contention that if there is no God, everything is permitted.
The Bill of Rights is trashed everyday by the federal stooges that serve the financial plutocrats. The oligarchy was once a national rule. Today it has become a global empire of suffocation.
When a society is too dense to grasp the truth of your enslavement, and does not have the backbone to rebel, your fate is relegated to the dustbins of history. When Leon Trotsky coined this phrase, he was talking about pitiful isolated individuals. Another Russia sums up the primary moral question. Fyodor Dostoevsky in his masterpiece, The Brothers Karamazov has Ivan Karamazov express an accurate capsule description of the belief, If God does not exist, everything is permitted. Katharena Eiermann observes that Jean Paul Sartre has said that all of French Existentialism is to be found in Ivan Karamazov's contention that if there is no God, everything is permitted.
Unfortunately, Americans too often adopt the relativism of situation ethics as a rationalization for immoral behavior. When government employs the practices of totalitarian collectivism, most citizens ignore the abuses and provide tacit submission to the fascist despotism that rules their lives. As long as America, reject the supremacy of God and rejects His moral laws, the most hideous elements of wickedness will continue to enslave the nation.
Small minds accept any mode of conduct. Brave individuals have the guts to confront certain absurdity.
Sadly, far too few courageous citizens exist. Do you have the will to topple this corrupt regime? If you snub the supposition that the central government essentially serves the interests of the global elites and is eliminating your natural rights, you just admitted to your own idiocy. Moreover, if you know that the federal tyranny deserves quenching and you refuse to act accordingly, you have lost your cojones. Just what kind of a person are you?
Sadly, far too few courageous citizens exist. Do you have the will to topple this corrupt regime? If you snub the supposition that the central government essentially serves the interests of the global elites and is eliminating your natural rights, you just admitted to your own idiocy. Moreover, if you know that the federal tyranny deserves quenching and you refuse to act accordingly, you have lost your cojones. Just what kind of a person are you?
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