
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fukushima – The Great Deception

 May 22, 2011
The initial stories coming out of Japan followed the historical pattern of pronouncements surrounding the Nuclear industries calamities; from Caulderhall in the UK to Chernobyl Ukraine and on to Three Mile Island in the USA.
All so-called accidents! Melt downs, explosions, fires and accidental discharges of radiation, the nuclear industries explanations of these events have since been proved to be demonstrably false.
Fukushima has followed the same pattern of denials, false claims and downright lies by the government of Japan and T.E.P.C.O.
I have researched every scrap of news and put it to the test using my knowledge of the Nuclear power plants and the experience of previous events.
What stands out is the audacity of T.E.P.C.O. in particular proclaiming Fukushima Diiachi was being brought under control.
Bob Tuskin asked me to appear on his radio show a few times over the past several weeks. I gave my analysis and explanations as I saw them unfold at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.
In the first instance what came back was somewhat to ridicule me and call me a doom merchant, however as time went by and T.E.P.C.O. was embarrassed into explaining its actions and the conditions at the plant the analysis and explanations were vindicated.
I do have other interests, on the last show with Alexander Higgins we were discussing the continuing wars by the Anglo American alliance and NATO, it was suggested that Syria was in the frame however my thoughts and analysis suggested that Pakistan was next!


  1. Well said ! So what do you think about Fukushima now ? Will the radiation levels get higher ? Is the 30 km evacuation zone big enough ? How much damage will all that radioactive water do to sea life and the food chain ?
    Brian.....very concerned as I have two children 450km south of Fukushima :(

  2. Brian...I think that things are only going to get worse. Marines in Iwakuni in the south say that radiation detection devices are pegged out. I have read that the entire food supply is in dire straits and the entire region is in trouble!
