Billboards across Lubbock claim the world will end next month. There are 10 in Lubbock but thousands more worldwide.
Family Radio in California says they want to alert people to what they say is the second coming of Christ. But the department chair of biblical studies at Lubbock Christian University says the idea was taken out of context from the Bible.
Dr. Charles Stephenson teaches the New Testament at LCU. He says the Bible makes it clear that no one will know when the world will end.
"Jesus himself makes comment that even the son of man doesn't know when it's going to be. The Father in heaven is the only one aware of that," Stephenson said.
But Tom Evans with Family Radio says otherwise.
"7,000 years is one day. God was warning mankind in Genesis that mankind has 7,000 years to get ready for end of the world."
Dr. Stephenson says the claims stem from another verse that equates one day to 1,000 years.
"He jumps all the way to New Testament and takes the 2 Peter statement out of its context; where a day is a 1,000 years and 1,000 years is a day and he goes back and says 7 days so its 7,000 years," Stephenson said.
Evans says his organization takes criticism with all of their billboards, but truly believes their message.
"There's so much evidence that it is going to happen and there is not going to be a May 22," Evans said.
The website for the group responsible for the billboards is http://www.wecanknow.com
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